Some buyers of mosque carpets are forced to buy a rug for their mosque and prayer hall online due to the lack of a carpet weaving factory near their area and also due to time savings.
Nowadays, online shopping of any product has become common and it can be said that online sales are quite well established in Iran; Of course, profiteers and swindlers are always lurking to abuse people’s trust.
So if you are going to buy mosque carpet online, you need to take 2 important steps:
– The first step is to find a reliable seller (preferably a direct purchase from the factory)
– The second step is to go through the process of registering an online order for machine woven carpets
In the following, we will fully explain each of these two steps for you to have a safe purchase without any worries:

Buy mosque carpet from factory
As you know, specialized carpet weaving factories are very limited and you can look for them in carpet industrial towns. In general, the most important industrial towns of machine carpet weaving are located in Kashan (Iran). Kashan is called as the capital of machine-woven carpets of Iran and most of the carpet weaving companies are also in Kashan.
Why buy mosque carpet online directly from the factory?
First, if you want to deposit an amount as prepayment, you can get the company and official account of that company and deposit the amount directly to the account of mosque carpet factory so that you do not have any worries about this.
Secondly, you can buy mosque carpets at a much lower price than retailers; Of course, you know what a price difference even 1$ can make, because prayer carpet rolls are bought in large quantities.
Before continuing the explanation, watch the following few seconds video from the location of Sobhan Mosque Carpet Factory to get acquainted with the company environment and how to weave masjid carpets:
Steps to buy mosque carpet online
If you want to buy carpets for your mosque or prayer hall online, first select a person in charge of purchasing on behalf of the board of trustees of the mosque to contact the company, register the order and also follow the status of the order.
Now you have to go through the following 7 steps in order to register your online purchase of mosque carpet without any problems:
(1) Specify the area of the mosque
First of all, it is better to determine the area of the mosque or prayer hall to have an initial estimate of the amount of masjid carpet required and also the estimated price.
Since we are dealing with a square meter, like the example in the picture below, draw a very simple and handy drawing on paper and identify three important things in it:
1- The length of the mosque
2- Width of the mosque
3- Direction of qibla

(2) Select the carpet yarn
In the second stage for buy mosque carpet online, choosing the carpet yarn is the most important step because it has a direct impact on the price of carpet. In general, we must say that the most common yarns in masjid carpets are 2 types of acrylic and polyester yarns, and acrylic yarn has the best quality in machine-woven carpet. In this section, you have to choose the type of yarn based on the amount you want to spend.
We have introduced only two types of acrylic and polyester yarns here, but other yarns are also used in the weaving of mosque carpets, the advantages and disadvantages of each of which are explained in detail in the following article (for a full explanation, click on the green button):

(3) Select mosque carpet reeds
In the third step for buying mosque carpet, you have to choose the number of reeds and points, which will also affect the final price of your mosque carpet. In fact, the reeds and points are the same number of carpet knots that with the increase in the number of carpet knots, the prayer carpet roll becomes better and more durable.
Masjid carpets can be woven with different types of reeds and points. For a complete acquaintance with all of them, you can refer to the following article, which is explained in detail along with the video:
(4) Select the design & color
The choice of design and color for buying mosque carpet online is related to the tastes of buyers and the board of trustees of mosques. Normally, the design and color will not affect the final price of your prayer carpet.
Masjid carpet designs include mihrab carpet and border carpet, and the best-selling and common colors are green and blue. To see all the available designs and colors of our factory (Soraya Kavir Kashan Carpet Industries), click on the button below:

(5) Prepayment for buy mosque carpet
After determining the size and type of masjid carpet (reeds & points) as well as design and color, the sales management of Sobhan Carpet Company will prepare a pre-invoice for you and send it to you via Email, WhatsApp or fax.
In this pre-invoice, the price per square meter and the total price of mosque carpet are calculated, and if it is approved, you will deposit an amount as an advance payment to the company’s account so that your online purchase order for your carpet will be finalized.
Once your online order is finalized, it will be placed in the weaving queue immediately, which will usually take between 7 days and 15 days to weave and complete the prayer carpet roll; Weaving time depends on the size of your mosque and the number of orders in the factory weaving queue, which may increase or decrease in a few days.
(6) Carrying and installing carpet
After weaving the carpet and completing it, you will be contacted by the company to coordinate the day and time of sending the carpet to the place along with the installer (if needed).

(7) Provide the final invoice
After the installation of the mosque carpet roll, a worksheet entitled “Goodwill” will be delivered to you so that if you are satisfied with the work and there is no problem, you will sign it and the company will finish its work.
Upon completion of the work, the final invoice will be delivered to you by the installer (or company representative).
See this article in the original language: