Prayer carpets that are woven for mosques and prayer halls are divided into two types of carpets with mihrab design and border design. In general, non-mihrab carpets for mosques are called ceremonial carpets, which are usually woven in three ways, depending on the tastes of the buyers and the board of trustees of mosques:
– carpet with 2 borders
– Single border carpet
– carpet without borders
Let’s first see a short film of border carpet for masjid and then continue the discussion:
two border carpet for mosque
prayer carpets with 2 border are rarely woven for mosques, prayer halls or other religious places. This type of machine-woven carpet is usually used more as a side rug in homes or in ceremonial halls.
In fact, the difference between the two border carpets of the house and the mosque is in the designs used in each of them, which use more Islamic designs and gilding for the mosque; In the following, you can see an example of 2 border carpet for masjid.
As can be seen in the picture, in the design of this carpet, geometric patterns have been used, which can be found in abundance in mosque carpet designs. One border is used to place the worshiper’s foot and the other border is used as the prostration of the worshiper.

single border carpet for masjid
The carpet of the mosque with one border is the most common type of ceremonial carpet for religious places. This single border carpet is usually used for prostration, but in some areas, especially Sunni areas, this border is used to place the feet of worshipers (you can see an example of this border carpet for masjid below).
The patterns used in these prayer carpets are generally flower and plant patterns (known as Afshan designs) or have geometric and medallion patterns that are a combination of Iranian-Islamic designs.
Note: Mosques that have less space and a large number of worshipers, it is better to use this type of masjid carpet instead of the mihrab design.

carpet without border - tiling carpet
Ceremonial carpets that are borderless are called integrated or one-piece mosque carpets because when the machine-woven carpet rolls are placed next to each other, they look like a complete rug and a very large piece.
In fact, in this design of the carpet, each roll will complement another roll, that is, a medallion pattern or a geometric shape of one roll will be completed with the next roll; This style of carpet weaving is also called tiling design.
In this type of carpet, because the place of worship and also the place of prostration is not installed, it is rarely used in mosques and prayer halls, an example of which you can see below:

All designs of border carpet
In this section, we have put all the available designs of border carpet for masjid and prayer halls together with 3 best-selling colors so that you can have a good comparison. Of course, note that these designs are common, ie single-border, that if you order, all designs can be woven with two or no borders; For this purpose, you can send us the desired design so that the company’s designer can prepare the desired design for you.
Mihrab carpet for masjid
In addition to various types of border carpets, another type of carpet is woven for mosques and prayer halls, which is called the mihrab carpet; Mihrab mosque carpet is much more popular and best-selling than border carpet.
In addition to creating order and harmony, the mihrab design carpet creates a more beautiful harmony in the mosque. To see all the mihrab designs, click on the green button below:
?Why masjid carpet roll
You may have noticed that ordinary carpets used in mosques are each woven in different sizes, creating the disorder that in some places the carpets are stacked on top of each other and in others they are left empty; For this reason, they have to cover the empty areas with small rugs that do not create an interesting view of the sanctuary.
Nowadays, classic carpets (or ordinary carpets of 6 meters, 9 meters and 12 meters) are no longer used in mosques, and if the board of trustees of a mosque intends to change the machine-woven carpets of that place, they go to the mihrab carpets or border carpets. In a separate article, we have explained the reasons for using carpets in the mosque instead of ordinary carpets:

?Mihrab carpet or border carpet
The use of mihrab or border carpets depends more on the taste of the board of trustees of the mosques or on the culture of the area, which type to choose. In general, we suggest that an mihrab design carpet be used for mosques and prayer halls that are dedicated to offering prayers, and border carpet be used in Imamzadehs and Husseiniyahs.
Reeds & points of mosque carpet
Since elegance and beauty are considered for home carpets, usually more than 1000 reeds and 1200 reeds are woven, but for mosques and prayer halls, because high thickness and softness are the criteria, usually 700 reeds or 500 reeds are woven. Click on the button below to learn more about reeds and points, as well as to watch the video on how to count the number of machine-woven carpet reeds:

Types of masjid carpet yarn
The most common types of yarn used in various types of machine-woven carpets for mosques (in Iran) include 4 types of BCF yarn (BCF), polyester, virgin and acrylic. BCF carpet has the lowest price and acrylic carpet has the highest mosque carpet price. For more information, as well as knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of each, please refer to the following article:

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